Service Description: Platform for companies to post job opportunities tailored for neurodivergent talent, with options for different packages, including those with social media campaigns and optional active sourcing

How It Works: Companies create and manage job listings with NEOSITYs guidance. Supporting the hiring process with NEOSITYs targeted recruitment tool

Benefits: Attract diverse talent, improve job matching, and enhance workforce innovation.


NEON, The European Neurodiversity Roundtable

Service Description: NEON is a cross-industry platform to connect companies to approach the way how to get neuroinclusive together 

How It Works: Frequent cross industry events 

Benefits: Know how exchange with neuroinclusive companies and experts

Thought Rebels, Diversity in Mind

Service Description: Events to promote community and support for neurodiverse Employees. Interactive sessions like Thought Rebels

How It Works: Hosting networking events, seminars, and peer support groups.

Benefits: Enhances employee engagement, builds a strong community, and promotes knowledge sharing


Service Description: Expert consulting services on neurodiversity integration, alongside specialized training sessions and workshops for companies.

How It Works: Leadership awareness and trainings. Customized consulting on dedicated programs and strategic planning, followed by scheduled training sessions on neurodiversity topics.

Benefits: Builds a knowledgeable workforce, fosters a supportive workplace, and optimizes performance through tailored strategies.


Employer Brand Campaigns

Service Description: Showcase commitment to neurodiversity through detailed company profiles and branding.

How It Works: Create profiles highlighting supportive practices and success stories.

Benefits: Enhances company reputation, attracts diverse talent, and demonstrates leadership in neurodiversity.

Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns

Service Description: Campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of neurodiversity.

How It Works: Design and execute internal and external communication strategies.

Benefits: Educates the community, enhances company image, and supports diversity initiatives.

NEOSITY – where neurodiversity meets opportunity

As your partner in reshaping professional landscapes, NEOSITY specializes in elevating careers and promoting diversity. Our platform is not only designed to connect neurodivergent talent with forward-thinking organizations, ensuring a future where diversity thrives and individuals flourish also to support neurodiverse talents with the right tools, coaches and many more.


Diverse Talent Connection:

NEOSITY is the bridge connecting neurodivergent individuals with welcoming employers, creating a symbiotic relationship for mutual success.

Amplify Your Brand and Attract Talent:

NEOSITY's strategic initiatives elevate your organization's brand, positioning it as a leader in diversity. Access a wider talent pool for greater success. Neurodiverse teams are 30% more efficient than pure neurotypical*.

Strategic Workplace Diversity:

NEOSITY collaborates with companies to implement neurodivergent programs, fostering diverse cultures that celebrate individuality.